Thursday, October 28, 2010


all i want for this little pup and his coat.

how cute!
buy it here.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

collection: vintage clocks

a couple years ago, while on an antique run with olivia, i picked up a little vintage clock.  its really one of my favorite things to set out.  its a nice turquoise blue with little gold feet - and small enough that it can fit in anywhere.

here's a few more id love:

images via:

Friday, October 22, 2010


another week done... and this weekend has some exciting plans!
im returning to my alma mater - visiting my sister, watching some football and catching up with old friends!
and hopefully finishing my halloween costume on the car ride down. hopefully.

what are your plans?

image via etsy

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

etsy find.

absolutely love this etsy find.
see it at whitney smith pottery

ranunculus rose flower ceramic bowls

Monday, October 11, 2010


you know those times when you accomplish something you never thought you'd ever get the hang of?
a task thats near impossible - as if only martha can do it. like when i folded a fitted sheet for the first time, and it didnt turn out as a wad of pink fabric...i felt like a real grown up! success. i got it.

well after a delicious eggs benedict with elaine on saturday, i decided i was going to master the poached egg.  the poached egg.  its intimidating! how hot does the water need to be? how does the egg stay together? how do you know its done?

i woke up sunday morning, still dreaming of the ooey goodness, and told matt we were making them, no matter how many eggs we went through.  and after one try.... we got it. (ok, it took me two times, while matt mastered it first try) i was so excited, success. :)

so excited, that i took pics before digging in.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

orangey paintings

new etsy shop fav.


im really liking her paintings today. maybe because i wish i was still in bed hugging my pillows... this cool weather makes me want to stay inside all day and just be comfy!

or i could be here, too:

found via poppytalk

Monday, October 4, 2010

angel oak tree

one of my favorite parts of visiting charleston this fall, was seeing the angel oak tree.  it's a huuggggeeee live oak about 15 minutes outside of charleston (the turn off to the oak is marked by a simple white wooden sign - we almost missed it!). matt and i spent a good part of our afternoon one day at the angel tree - i think about a third of the photos i took on our little trip were taken here. so many branches and so beautiful!

the angel oak is believed to be over 1500 years old. and the longest branch was over 90 feet long! it was really just amazing to see.